Thursday 14 May 2015

How to Grow Small Business: Ideas and opportunities

How to Grow Small Business

Grow your business through online medium

Your business depends upon investments, resources etc. It might be a small scale business or a large scale business. But there is no need to worry that you cant compete with a big organisation. Here is some of the tips which will help you in promoting your small scale business through online channels. As we know online marketing is a form of advertising and promotion of products or services which uses internet to deliver promotional offers or messages to a customer. It includes methods like search engine optimization (SEO) , Search engine marketing (SEM) , Social media marketing, email marketing. These are the methods of online advertising and promotion throuh which you can advertise your products or services to right customers. These mediums are very easy to understand and operate. There is no need to hire any emloyee for this. Even If you owned a small shop you can promote your products through these mediums.

Here is some data which will show importance of online advertising:
In 2011revenuegenerated through internet in United states exceeded than revenue generated through television, radio.
In 2012 internet advertising revenue exceeded $36.57 billion

Advantages of Online Advertising

Following are some of the advantages of online advertising :
Though online advertising you can reach to nore people than traditional advertising.Online advertising is a cost efficient advertising.You can promote or sell your products or services to an international market also. Your messages are sen by the most relevant audiences.You can advertise 24 hours and 365 days which is not possible in traditional advertising.You can target a customer by their interests.You will enjoy a lower marketing cost tham traditional advertising.

Search Engine Marketing

Why an Organisation should Chose Online Advertishing?

Now, Everyone will think why should we go for online advertising if traditional advertising like TV,Radio,Newspaper giving good results. Here you can find why its better to go for online advertising:
1. Today the number of people using internet is increasing day by day. Not only more internet users but the number of websites are also incrasing so company needs to market their online businesses to internet users.
2. today its not possible to go door to door for promoting a product. Through online advertising you can promote you product to more customers.
3. Online advertising is quick,cheap and easy. Also the results can be huge.
4. For small scale business they can promote their products or services without spending any money.

Online Advertising vs.Traditional Advertising

Which Method of advertising do you think cost efficient & meeting your goals?

  • Online Advertising
  • Traditional Advertising

Promote Your Business Without investing any money?

This will just surprise you how its possible to promote a promote a product without investing any money.
But this is right you can promote and sell your products without any investment:
1 You should have a website of your business which shows your products or services .
2. Website should be attractive so that it will attract a user to perform an action, or sell.
3. You should go for search engine optimization. Its a simple and important method of online advertising. It will just incrase the visibility of your website in a search engine like Google,Yahoo,Msn. If your website visibility is better than others then you will get results also.
4 It will take 2-3 months to become visible on search engines then your website will be visible to search engines.
5. As its not a paid advertisement a small scale business can use this method.

How to grow your business through digital advertising


Benefit of Search engine optimization in online advertising. Here youcan see search results marked with red is at no.2 in Google

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